Watch in hd locations of the 7 dragon balls in adult gohan's dragon universe. dragon ball z: budokai 3 hd collection. breakthrough: all character moves memories for 100% completion thanks for. Dragon universe - dbz budokai 3: like the past budokais, you were able to play through the dragon ball world and re-experience the events that took place, even lending a hand in.... Clear dragon universe in dragon ball z: budokai 3 with gohan earn this in the dragon ball z budokai hd collection walkthrough unlocked by 5,747 tracked gamers (61% - ta ratio = 1.28) 9,497.
Potara earrings (object) - giant bomb
For dragon ball z: budokai 3 on the playstation 2, goku by ssjben.. Home playstation 2 dragon ball z: budokai 3 hints and tips thank you for printing this page from remember to come back to check for more great content for dragon ball z: budokai 3.. Dragon ball z budokai hd collection walkthrough please note that the details below reflect the time and playthroughs required to get all the achievements in this walkthrough..