Description: final fantasy x-2 hd remaster is a rpg/turn-based game published by square enix released on march 21, 2014 for the playstation vita.. Note: click the title of the game, below the games image in order to view its contents. support game developers by purchasing this games. be sure you have the legal copy of the game before downloading the back-up vpk/iso/cso files in this site, if not remove what you have downloaded within 24hrs.. Final fantasy x is the first final fantasy game to feature voiceovers with advanced facial expressions. travel to uncharted seas and treacherous lands in a quest to save mankind. set in the fantasy world of spira, the game’s story revolves around a group of adventurers and their quest to defeat a rampaging monster known as sin..
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Final fantasy x hd remaster is a high-definition remaster of the role-playing video games.square enix brings back two of the most popular rpgs of all time... Did you know? pay a visit to your stats dashboard to get powerful insights into how your videos are performing.. Final fantasy x-2 is the first true sequel in the popular rpg series, and picks the story up two years later. the world has entered into a period known as the “eternal calm”..