Age of empires ii game won't start i'm just after switching from windows 8 to 8.1. 'preparing to launch age of empirers ii hd edition...' the box disapears after two seconds and then i get a loadng sybol above my mouse for about 3 seconds - if you know what i mean.. To do this, right click the age of empires 2 icon, click properties, then go to the compatibility tab. check the checkbox “run in compatibility mode” and select windows vista or windows xp. click apply or okay to close the window.. Age of empires ii will not open after it attempts to load. i have the gold edition of age empires, windows 7, and a brand new dell inspiron 1545 and i have tried installing and reinstalling age of empires at least 3 times..
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Xp(home) won't let me run "age of empires" age of empires 2 hd steam edition simply won't work! solved my computer wont let me run 3 monitors even though it picks all of them up. Hello, thank you for keeping us posted. as per the description, i understand that you are experiencing issue with you are not able to play age of empires ii in windows 10.. /r/projectceleste - age of empires online. created by sixtyt3 a community for 7 years. message the moderators. moderators. for those of you who can't get aoe ii: hd to launch: but my clean winxp sp3 laptop with a fresh install of steam and aoe2hd cannot get past "failed to start game". any advice would be very appreciated. permalink.