Dynasty warriors 5: empires is your average koei hack and slash, with one man killing 500 in 15 minutes being a normal occurrence. the game's achievements can be split into 3 sections.. In dynasty warriors 5, you can become a hero in feudal japan. combat enemy armies using weapons, mounts, and special attacks. dynasty warriors 5 adds new playable characters, weapons, combos, maps, and game modes.. Map details for dynasty warriors 5: dynasty warriors 5 by dem0n_hunt3r92 dynasty warriors 5<br /> conqour with shu, wei, or wu<br /> dynasty warriors 5 (ps2) comes out end of march 2005.
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Dynasty warriors 5: dimsum and musou wine locations: locations and placement information for dim sum (life +) (aka dimsum, meat bun) and musou wine (musou +) (aka fairy wine) for each stage in koei's dynasty warriors 5.. In dynasty warriors 5, you still have the option to save during the middle of a battle, but there are some changes. the number of saves you have depends on the diffculty you're playing on. for instance, on easy, you have an unlimited amount of saves, but you only have 1 interim save on hard.. In dynasty warriors 9, players will explore china as it existed when feudal warlords vied for dominance over the land – the waning days of the han dynasty and emergence of the three kingdoms era..